Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funky 5 K

FIRST 5 K Eva!!!!

How crazy is it that a lot of my "firsts" are with my bestie Amber?!!! Obviously she can talk me into about pretty much anything!!! Well I guess I just don't say no to much of what she suggest. I didn't train or anything for this run ( Not that it was a marathon or anything) but still..... Conditioning still would have been ideal. I'm sure it would have helped me run up the huge hill I ended up walking!

At the starting line there stood Amber, Laurie, Amy, Erin. and I once they said "Go" all the girls took off so determined to hit the finish line! I was thinking to myself.... What did i get myself into?!! 40 minutes later I hit the finish line with all my friends waiting for me! Amber made a 28 minute race along with Laurie making a 30 minute race.... Pretty amazing, Right?!