Monday, November 7, 2011

It Happens for a Reason :)

This was sent to me a couple of days ago. This brought a smile to my face. Because no matter what happens, it happens for a reason. No point in trying to figure it out and make it complicated. Its called life :)

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Simply Vera

I must admit, I never thought I would EVER be a heel type of gal. About 3 years ago I experienced the feeling of feeling like a lady in a pair if stilettos, I have been in love since!

I also have to tell you all shoes are an addiction. I guess I am just broadening my horizons! :)

Here is the newest pair to my collection!

Say hello to my Simply Vera's

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funky 5 K

FIRST 5 K Eva!!!!

How crazy is it that a lot of my "firsts" are with my bestie Amber?!!! Obviously she can talk me into about pretty much anything!!! Well I guess I just don't say no to much of what she suggest. I didn't train or anything for this run ( Not that it was a marathon or anything) but still..... Conditioning still would have been ideal. I'm sure it would have helped me run up the huge hill I ended up walking!

At the starting line there stood Amber, Laurie, Amy, Erin. and I once they said "Go" all the girls took off so determined to hit the finish line! I was thinking to myself.... What did i get myself into?!! 40 minutes later I hit the finish line with all my friends waiting for me! Amber made a 28 minute race along with Laurie making a 30 minute race.... Pretty amazing, Right?!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

-Rock Climbing-

As you all know, I had no intentions of rock climbing. One day I thought what is life all about, if I cant say "Yea, I tried that once?"
So I called Amber and said "you know what, I think this summer I'm going to pull off the acrylics and try rock climbing this summer."
Being the great friend she is she said "Okay lets go to the gym and have you try it there and then you can go try the real thing."
As hard as it was to take my nails off, I did it! It was quite the transition!

Finally the day came to actually make this happen. (Not in a gym By the way!)

I was sitting there on a rock watching Steve set up the climb thinking... There is NO way in the world I am going to be able to do this. for one I am afraid of heights, and for two I have NO muscle what so ever!

Here again I proved myself wrong. The first thing I learned is that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. and of course I hear that all the time but when you really don't think you can actually accomplish something that looks so hard to do, and then actually do it. Its pretty amazing! Luckily I had a great coach to guide me through this experience.

Steve and Karl

When started the climb my first words to Steve were “if I don’t make it very far, don’t be mad?” lol I have no idea why I said that! I was really nervous so that could be why! ha ha

When I started the climb it, was not as bad as I thought. My only fear was looking down! So I kept telling myself "DON'T look down!" I felt like I was moving like a snail. Adrenaline starting racing the higher I got, heart pounding palms sweating... i was freaking out! I hear Steve telling me "You are doing good, Remember, its all in your legs." when he said that I was kind of relieved because I have noodles for arms! I got to a point where I was ready to come down. I didn't complete the climb, but now I am so determined to complete it. So the next time (and Yes there will be a next time!) I WILL complete it =)

Truly this is like the same picture! I didnt have photagrapher Amber there so this is what I was left with! HA

NEXT time AMBER will be there! I HOPE! =)

Whitney was here for this adventure. She sat calmly and read a book in the sun!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shall Us 3 Ladiez be called Cupid???

As I was looking through my photos from the other night I realized that Between Amber, Whit and I, that we might have made a Love <3 connection! Which is pretty AMAZING!!! Hey, IF i cant find love why not connect two of the cutest people that we know, Right?! So here are just a few pictures from this Blind Date that we set up!!!!!

Now here we 3 ladiez are! As you can see we are VERY Photogenic!

This was the lovely night we made the match!

Even IF if just made a FRIENDSHIP I am happy with that too!

I also think that you may never know who may be the RIGHT one for you. For all you know, they might be sitting right next to you. Its beautiful :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


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